(The first time it goes off)
Getting up in the morning can sometimes be the hardest part of the day. I’ve spent a decent portion of my life snoozing my alarm, over and over, until I can’t snooze anymore! Once I finally peel myself off the sheets, I’m left with a feeling of BLAH that can be hard to shake. Not to mention, majority of the times I do this to myself, I’m left feeling even more tired and groggy.
It makes sense when you connect the dots from the alarm clock to how the rest of your day flows. Choosing to actively put off the inevitable (getting up and living life, as it does go on) is choosing procrastination and laziness. These are feelings I don’t want to carry on my back throughout the day.
This simple choice can determine how you interact with others and react to events throughout your day.
If you are feling any of the below symptoms, and have been snoozing your alarm, this very well may be the cause.
Moodiness, fatigue, a slower brain, headaches, laziness, lack of confidence, no space for creativity, forgetfulness, overthinking, anxiety, feeling rushed or behind, self doubt, regret, constipated, exhausted, bloated
To wrap up the point – I personally notice a difference in my day when I get up with my alarm the very first time it goes off.
The fact is, nobody I know truly enjoys popping out of bed in the morning. You’re not alone here – and often times it is hard. The bed is cozy, warm, and most days are not filled with activities we are stoked about. This is what causes us to linger.
We have to actively choose to do the uncomfortable thing because it is best for us. We show ourselves that we are faithful and can conquer anything by getting up when we know we need to. Fulfilling this simple task every morning proves to yourself that you are there for YOU, no matter how hard, or annoying, or how much you don’t want to do it. Especially when you don’t want to do it – is when it matters the most. This habit creates a new version of yourself that portrays confidence, commitment, and overall health.
I honestly believe this is the most important thing you can do each day – and it’s free. Anyone can do this to better themselves.
A few tips for waking up with your alarm:
- Put your phone/alarm in another room. I do this so I’m forced to get up and walk to turn it off.
- Keep your robe or cozy pants right by your bed. You can immediately throw them on for warmth so you don’t hop back in bed.
- Try the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Whenever there is a task you know you should do (like getting up), give yourself a countdown and then do that thing. This robs you of the moment to talk yourself out of it. (Mel Robbins method)
Bonus points: Put your phone up an hour or so before bed. This allows your brain to start slowing down, which leads to a deeper nights sleep, and makes you feel better when you have to get up the next morning. I put mine up at 8:30pm latest.
Better sleep – better morning – better choices – better day – repeat